automation and developement

KO-MA stroji

The company KO-MA stroji doo was founded on 29. August 2016

Numerous experiences enable rich support in the development and serial production of new machines. We have extensive experience in the design, reconstruction and maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic machines.

The company has at its disposal a CNC milling machine and a CNC lathe, welding machines, assembly equipment, etc.

Basic company info:

Short company name: KO-MA stroji d.o.o.

Long company name: KO-MA STROJI, avtomatizacija in razvoj, d.o.o

Address: Negastrn 8, SI-1251 Moravče

Registration number: 7124678000

VAT ID: SI18625100

  1. bank account / NLB d .: SI56 0230 8026 2040 564
  2. bank account / Primorska hranilnica d.d.: SI56 6400 0990 1046 382